Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lots and lots of SMILES!!!

     Students from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka all members of SMILES (Sincere Minded Individuals Leaving Endless Smiles) visited our kids at the orphanage home.  They brought their smiling faces to encourage our kids.  They sang, performed a drama and presented the gifts they gathered for the kids.  Our kids sang and danced for the visitors.  By the end of the hour, lots and lots of smiles where shared!  
     The President of the Organization, an Economics student in his final year, Earnest Egaji, spoke about the desire for their organization to reach out to homes like our own.  He asked Rev. Joseph Starling & Mrs. Beverly how they managed to leave their homeland and come here to rescue and live with these children.  The answer was all about understanding that value that is a basic of element of genuine Christianity; LOVE!  They encouraged the students to continue to bring smiles to those in need, the underprivileged, the physically challenged and those deprived of those basic elements necessary for life.  They told them that leaving it all behind to serve humanity wasn't such a difficult thing, when one realizes the eternal value of such a sacrifice.  

     When students asked about furthering the relationship between the orphanage home and SMILES, the students were happy to hear both Rev. Starling and his wife indicate that they would be glad to get involved in a great awareness campaign about how giving, even if it isn't much, makes a BIG difference and that the more that get involved the greater the impact can be. 

     All of the children and staff here say "THANK YOU"