Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Your Donations are Welcome!
For Details Call: 08069233946  or  07068950490
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UBA #1013405394 - Rev. Joseph M. Starling

The Starling Family
Rev. Joseph, Mrs. Beverly, Anna, Jordan & Chase

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lots and lots of SMILES!!!

     Students from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka all members of SMILES (Sincere Minded Individuals Leaving Endless Smiles) visited our kids at the orphanage home.  They brought their smiling faces to encourage our kids.  They sang, performed a drama and presented the gifts they gathered for the kids.  Our kids sang and danced for the visitors.  By the end of the hour, lots and lots of smiles where shared!  
     The President of the Organization, an Economics student in his final year, Earnest Egaji, spoke about the desire for their organization to reach out to homes like our own.  He asked Rev. Joseph Starling & Mrs. Beverly how they managed to leave their homeland and come here to rescue and live with these children.  The answer was all about understanding that value that is a basic of element of genuine Christianity; LOVE!  They encouraged the students to continue to bring smiles to those in need, the underprivileged, the physically challenged and those deprived of those basic elements necessary for life.  They told them that leaving it all behind to serve humanity wasn't such a difficult thing, when one realizes the eternal value of such a sacrifice.  

     When students asked about furthering the relationship between the orphanage home and SMILES, the students were happy to hear both Rev. Starling and his wife indicate that they would be glad to get involved in a great awareness campaign about how giving, even if it isn't much, makes a BIG difference and that the more that get involved the greater the impact can be. 

     All of the children and staff here say "THANK YOU"

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Chickens donated!!!

Chief Mrs. Uche Grace Emesim of Enugu has been so gracious to the Orphanage home.  She has shared of the profits of her poultry business in Enugu, known as Alpha Poultry.
God has been good to her and for the last few years she has been donating chicks that we raise for food here at the orphanage home.
What a blessing she is.  Her contributions are much needed and appreciated!  Thank you so much for the latest round of chicks! "Chukwu gozie gi!" (God bless you!)

Elite Club International Visits Orphanage

    The Children’s Day celebration in Nigeria which is held each year on May 27, would this year ever remain memorable to the children of “A Place of Hope for Orphan Children Foundation” at Opi- Nsukka.  A Place of Hope is an orphanage home founded by Rev. Joseph Starling and his wife, Beverly.  They are American missionaries who chose to rescue, live with and train the orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children here in Nigeria. Granted, the orphans were in high spirits and thankful to God as they prayed, sang and celebrated with the members of the Elite Club of Nsukka who paid them a visit and poured in gifts and cash donations afterwards. However, the manner in which the orphans joined millions of other Nigerian kids in the celebration of ‘May 27th’ with members of the aforesaid club was really awesome and remarkable.  One would hardly notice the ‘missing link’ and pains they have experienced in the loss of parents and those who would have loved and cared for them.
    The Elite club is a noble organization with a conglomerate of members drawn from mainly academic and administrative staff of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.  Part of the major concerns of the group is reaching out to vulnerable people and engaging in other philanthropic and humanitarian activities. In the course of the visit to the humble home in Opi, the spokesman and president of the group, Dr. Phil Eze, pointed out that the cardinal aim for their visit was to express love for orphaned, destitute, needy children.  Their expression of love included numerous gifts of rice, pampers, milk, Ovaltine, tissue among other items and a handsome sum of cash. Others in the group included: Mr. Sam Ezugwu,(Former P.R.O, UNN and Vice President of the Association) Prof.  C. Tagbo Ugwu,Prof. Malachy Okwueze(Dean, Student Affairs,UNN), , Prof. M. C Madukwe, Prof. E. O Ezeani (Dean, Social Sciences, UNN),Dr. A. M Okolie (ASSU Chairman UNN), Dr. Nnanyelugo Okoro, Mr. Innocent Agwara, Mr. E. J Nwagwu, Mr. Maxi Asogwa, Mr.  and Paschal Onah.
     Meanwhile, the founder of “A Place of Hope”, Rev. Joseph Starling, wife Beverly along with the home’s manager, Rev. Emmanuel Ugwu, were so happy and thankful to the group for the gracious donations bestowed upon these worthy children.  The celebration was quite jubilant as the prospect of additional food items and necessary cash was provided.  Rev. Joe, as he is fondly called, remarked that the Lord is their provider and has demonstrated his power to provide once again.
     Rev. Joe expressed his deep sorrow over the continued neglect of destitute and orphaned children in the world and Nigeria in particular.  As missionaries, they hope to rescue more orphans among the eight millions currently roaming in Nigerian villages, towns and city streets. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wife of the Former VC of University of Nigeria, Nsukka visits our Orphans

       Mrs. Ify Nebo visited our orphanage.  She is such a gracious lady.  She and Professor Nebo have been supporting the orphanage home with financial gifts, food supplies and other needed items for over 2 years now.  Their love for the needy has been very evident.  
       In her recent visit, she spotted a washing machine that needed service.  Upon her return to Enugu, she had a serviceman come and fix the washing machine!  Thank you so much.  
       A Place of Hope Orphanage at Opi is truly blessed to have friends like you!!!  "Chukwu gozie gi"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Welcome to A Place of Hope for Orphan Children Foundation

You are very welcome to our site.  This is the site where we post information, events, needs and recent donors and donations.  As you read through the site you will understand more about who we are and what we attempting to do.  
Our Purpose Statement:    "A Place of Hope for Orphan Children's Foundation exists to rescue, educate, medicate, care for orphaned and vulnerable children in Nigeria."
Our Method:  "Loving God and loving our neighbor"  Serving these children is done through developing staff to participate with the children in a surrogate family setting within the home, so as to provide a community setting of children and adults who are sharing the environment in a loving and productive manner.
Our Support:  We believe our Heavenly Father is the great provider.  However, we know that He does His providing much of the time through people.  Gracious financial donations and gifts of supplies and other needs are received monthly, yearly and at other regular intervals.  They are certainly very needed and welcome!  We are not sponsored by any particular church, denomination or organization.  It is the financial gifts of companies, churches, individuals and other organizations that provide the monthly budget and additional expenses.